It is all about ... the ability of enjoying life together … by the well know romanian author Adrian Dumitru

They were walking on the streets.

Being ... in the company of their 3 kids also.

Walking directly ... to the city centre... just as a walk so that they can see the architectural beauty of the old buildings.

Suddenly ... he sees probably the most beautiful coffee shop ... he even saw in his life.

It was at the entrance of a luxury hotel ... and the atmosphere itself looked like the one from 1-2 centuries ago.

So ... he says to wife ... "I want to drink a coffee ... let's stop here for 30 minutes."

But ... wife disagrees.

They were late.

The way back home was too long and she didn't wanted to spend time waiting for him to drink his coffee.

So ... simply disagrees.

.... ironically replying .... "You can buy a coffee at the oil station ... on the way back home".

When Jeff told me this story ... I could not believe it.

I knew he adored ... drinking coffee.

And ... his wife didn't cared any more of what he wanted.

For her ... all became irrelevant.


A coffee at the most beautiful coffee shop in the world ... and a coffee from the oil station ... was the same thing.


But ... all was normal.


And ... changed.

... not into a good way.

Most probably ... they totally lost the ability of enjoying life together.

She didn't cared any more of what he wanted.

And ... he was into the same position.

Time was passing.

... life together being pathetic.

But … you know why?!

Well ... the answer is so damn simple ... and we totally ignore it.

We all know it.

Cause ... that moment when we don't care any more ... of what want our partners ... all is gone.

The relationship itself ... is simply preparing for its funeral.

And ... even into such an obvious point ... we pretend we don't see the truth.

We pretend ... we are blinds.

But ....




Download the book ”What do you want?!

philosophical essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


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